Privacy Policy

Escorts Nearby is highly committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of the users of the website. Different types of electronic, physical and procedural systems are incorporated to ensure safety and security of personal information of the users. Escorts Nearby is bound by the requirements of the Australian Privacy Principles in the Privacy Act 1988. We are also bound by other applicable codes as required by the law. By continuing to use the Escorts Nearby website, you agree to allow Escorts Nearby to collect, use and disclose your personal information so as to ensure seamless services provided by the website. We collect your personal information to:

  • Provide Escorts Nearby services
  • Identify you
  • Manage and administer various types of Escorts Nearby services
  • Protection against fraud

Depending on the necessity of the situation, Escorts Nearby will collect personal information such as name, date of birth, address, email address and other suitable information wherever possible. Escorts Nearby will collect your personal information directly from you. In some cases, it may be necessary for Escorts Nearby to collect this information from other third party sources. Escorts Nearby is also entitled to collect sensitive information from other participants of the system such as payment processors, financial institutions and other third parties in order to resolve errors or disputes. Without the required information, Escorts Nearby may not be able to provide the products and services as per your requirements.

Disclosure of information

Escort Nearby assures you that it will not sell your personal information to third parties. However, by using this website, you give permission to Escorts Nearby to disclose your information to another member of the group, service providers used for outsourcing products and services, government agencies, regulatory bodies, law enforcement offices, other parties authorized and/or required by law, other participants and third parties necessary to process payment, and resolve disputes. To ensure proper investigation of transaction and to help with identification of transactions that are fraudulent in nature, Escorts Nearby may send your information to other countries outside of Australia. By using the website and its services, you agree to send your information overseas.

Confidentiality and security

Escorts Nearby takes necessary measures to protect the confidentiality and security of personal information against loss, authorized access, misuse, disclosure, destruction and alteration. However, we cannot provide guarantee against loss, alteration, or misuse of information. To ensure protection of your personal information, we transfer limited amount of data to your browser while you use our website services.


A cookie refers to a short data file stored on your computer’s hard drive by our webpage server. To enable registration and use of services, we use cookies to understand your preference. Cookies are not used to identify the user. You can set the settings in your browser to accept or deny storing cookies. We don’t use cookies to collect your personal information without your approval. However, when you disable cookies, you may not be able to access all of our website products and services.

Access to personal information

When Escorts Nearby collects and stores your personal information obtained from you, we provide you access to change, update or delete personal information at any time you want. You can also withdraw the authorization to use your personal information.

Use of other websites

The privacy policy detailed in this page only applies to the Escorts Nearby. If you use links within our website to go to any other website outside of Escorts Nearby, you have to read the privacy policy of that website. We urge you to read the privacy policy of third party websites before disclosing your personal information.